Ben 10 Alien Swarm 2009 hollywood movies review

American superhero movie Ben 10: Alien Swarm was released in 2009 and was written and directed by Alex Winter. It is a stand-alone continuation of the 2007 movie Ben 10: Race Against Time and is based on the Cartoon Network cartoon series Ben 10: Alien Force. Barry Corbin, Nathan Keyes, Alyssa Diaz, Herbert Siguenza, Ryan Kelley, and Galadriel Stineman are among its cast members. The movie chronicles what happens between Ben 10: Alien Force’s second season finale and its premiere in the third season.

On November 15, 2009, Ben 10: Alien Swarm had its international premiere in London. On November 100, 2009, it made its Cartoon Network debut, drawing 4.02 million viewers.







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