Sonu Tane Mara Par Bharoso Nai Ke 2022 movies review

Sonu Tane Mara Par Bharoso Nai Ke is a Gujarati movie released on 19 May, 2022. The movie is directed by Henil Gandhi and featured Malhar Thakar, Nijal Modi, Ragi Jani and Jayesh More as lead characters. Other popular actor who was roped in for Sonu Tane Mara Par Bharoso Nai Ke is Kalpana Gagdekar.

A Middle Class Family buys a LCD TV from Chor Bazar but unfortunately the TV doesn’t start. So Kartik tries to repair the TV and when he opens it, he finds Gold Coins in it. The Vicious Circle starts when Kartik handover the Gold to Police for 10% Commission and the Smuggler of that Gold Coin reaches Kartik’s House and then the story is about how hilarious that ride of a family how they handles the situation.

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