A 2021 American superhero movie titled The Suicide Squad is based on the Suicide Squad gang from DC Comics. It is a standalone sequel to Suicide Squad (2016) and the tenth movie in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU), produced by DC Films, Atlas Entertainment, and the Safran Company, and it is released by Warner Bros. Pictures.
A large ensemble cast, including Margot Robbie, Idris Elba, John Cena, Joel Kinnaman, Sylvester Stallone, Viola Davis, David Dastmalchian, Daniela Melchior, Michael Rooker, Jai Courtney, Peter Capaldi, Alice Braga, and Pete Davidson, is featured in the James Gunn-written and -directed movie. In the movie, a number of prisoners join the “Suicide Squad” task team in return for reduced sentences.
They are dispatched to the island kingdom of Corto Maltese in South America to wipe out any evidence of the enormous alien starfish Starro the Conqueror before it is taken over by the local authorities.
If you want this movie for free then you will have to wait for 2 more months.
But if you want the Google Drive link of this 3D movie now (immediately), then you will have to pay Rs 50.