Velan is a 2021 Indian Tamil-language action drama film written and directed by debutant Kavin and produced by Skyman Films International. The film stars Mugen Rao, Soori and Meenakshi Govindarajan with a supporting cast including Prabhu, Thambi Ramaiah and Hareesh Peradi. The music is composed by Gopi Sundar. The film was released in theatres on 31 December 2021.
The plot revolves around Velan (Mugen Rao), who gets into the bad books of his father Palanisamy (Prabhu), a big shot in his village, due to his privileged behavior. He falls in love with his college friend Ananya (Meenakshi Govindarajan), a Malayali. A mix-up causes her father to fix Velan’s match with Vidusha (Maria Vincent), who is also a Malayali girl from her college. When Vidusha’s lover Velan and Dineshan (Soori) clear up this confusion without hurting her father, especially when the girl’s father Ananda Kuttan (Thambi Ramaiah) and Veluchamy (Hareesh Peradi), who resents the Velan family, plot to embarrass Palanisamy.