Shazam! 2019 3D hollywood movie reviews

This weekend, one magic word unlocked excitement, adventure, and comedy: Shazam! It certainly feels like magic, as another opportunity for the DC Comics universe to course correct seems to have paid off magnificently. And, of course, with a new chance at box office glory comes another spin of the To 3D or Not To 3D wheel that comes round with pretty much every superhero movie.

If you’re looking for our official review on Shazam!, then you can head out to see what we thought of the movie in detail. However, if you’re wondering whether you should spend the extra 3D ticket money, or save it for a bid on lunch with Superman, then you’re in the right place. Slip your glasses on, and take a trip with us into the lair of 3D movies, as we discuss whether or not this particular film is worth your hard-earned cash.

Saying Shazam! doesn’t fit 3D is like saying capes look ridiculous on superheroes. Both mediums are practically made for each other, and with all of the action and excitement that takes place in director David F. Sandberg’s hero story, it looks like a natural fit. There’s a lot of flying, a lot of lightning action, and even some evil beasties that have the potential to grab the audience’s eyes. So it feels like 3D should be a slam dunk.

Unfortunately, as exciting as Shazam’s 3D conversion should be, the reality is that the finished conversion is ok at best. With all of the potential for visual excitement in a film that occupies such a popular moviegoing genre, the extra visual flare only really shows up in particular circumstances throughout the film. Typical fields like brightness and audience health are ok, but there’s a genuine lack of blur that certainly indicates the lack of any visual assets coming out of the screen. Even the depth of picture displayed in Shazam! seems to stop short of impressive.


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