Zombieland Double Tap 2019 hollywood movie reviews

Where the original was funny and moving, this one’s barely funny and it barely moves

Putting aside the monstrous thirst for flesh, a zombie is essentially halfway between a living human and a rotting corpse, animated but staggering around without much grace, a desiccation disguised as a person.

Zombieland: Double Tap occupies a similar space in the world of sequels. As a decade-later follow-up to 2009’s irreverent horror-comedy Zombieland, it isn’t an entry in an active franchise. It’s more like an 1980s-style cheapie retread, disguised as a more respectable legacy sequel.

Given the endless (and mostly basic) references to both pop culture and the original Zombieland, it wouldn’t be out of character for Zombieland: Double Tap to lay out this sequel-as-zombie parallel itself. The script (by Dave Callaham,

Rhett Reese, and Paul Wernick) occasionally points out the film’s potential mustiness: Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) narrates a direct thank-you to the audience upfront, acknowledging that viewers have “many choices in zombie entertainment.”

Later, Wichita (Emma Stone) chides Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) for reviving his old catchphrase (“Nut up or shut up,” for those with hazy memories of the original film). But for much of its running time, the movie is uncomfortably satisfied with recreating the dynamics of the funny, sometimes affecting, first film.

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