Among the Shadows 2019 hollywood movie reviews

November 13, 2022: Acting under the direction of someone unknown, werewolves foster panic in Brussels by randomly attacking joggers. As part of the same plot, werewolf Randall Jackson fatally shoots werewolf Harry Goldstone, who works on European Federation president Richard Sherman’s reelection campaign. Randall steals Harry’s strategy dossier for Richard’s upcoming debate against rival John Kilborn. Before dropping dead, Harry calls his werewolf niece, private investigator Kristy Wolfe, to tell her that Randall attacked him.

Lt. McGregor dismisses Kristy from the crime scene. Richard Sherman’s vampire wife, first lady Patricia Sherman, hires Kristy to find out who killed Harry and why. McGregor continues angrily confronting Kristy throughout her investigation. McGregor works with detectives Alabastar Blazine and Bastien, with whom Kristy is having a sexual affair, during the official police investigation into Harry’s murder. Kristy tracks down Randall Jackson.

Kristy finds Randall with a bag of money, C4 explosives, and a calendar with a December date circled, but Randall escapes following a fight. Richard and Patricia Sherman meet with Richard’s traitorous VP Matthew Benoit and businessman Max Eddelman in a limo. Max proposes to cut Richard in on the profits of a deal with European fossil fuel companies if Richard abandons his renewable energy plan and drops out of the race. Kristy interrupts the meeting to threaten Max over his presumed involvement in conspiratorial murders.

Kristy discovers that someone rigged her car to explode. Kristy tracks down Harry’s contact Colin Haroosen, who creates a potion for Kristy intended to prevent werewolves and vampires from reading her thoughts and communicating with her telepathically. Kristy and her longtime friend, bartender Frank, take down werewolf operative Armand. Kristy concludes that there is a mole inside the police department. Kristy asks Blazine to look into the leak, who she suspects could be her lover Bastien.

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