Ancestral World 2020 hollywood movies review

A prince must learn to be a hero. In a time of demons and Gods warring for domination, a prince is sent on a mission to rescue his brother and recover a magical armor stolen by the God of Destruction.

Italy is the home of the sword and sorcery film. They created the genre with the original Hercules starring Steve Reeves. Then in the 80s inspired by the success of Schwarzenegger’s Conan the Barbarian, they gave us Lou Ferrigno as Hercules and as Sinbad. They even cast Conan’s female lead Sandahl Bergman in a swords and mutants version H. Rider Haggard’s classic She. Writer/director Enrico De Palo and co-writer Adriano Barone aim to bring those days back with Ancestral World. Does it live up to the legacy of its ancestors?

The forces of good and evil are at war. Two princes Iruma (Joe Morelli) and Mairok (Ryan A. Phillips) are practicing their swordsmanship when a portal suddenly opens up. Mairok defeats the creature that emerges but his brother is dragged into a second one. After consultation with King Golan Mor (Christopher Jones) and his sorceress, Mairok is sent to find the pieces of The Sacred Armour and rescue his brother.

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