Arundhati 2009 movies review

Arundhati is a beautiful princess and the great-great-granddaughter of the Raja of Gadwal, the head of a princely state. Arrangements are being made for her wedding. She is the first female to be born since her great-grandmother, hence she is loved and revered by her family. She visits Gadwal to meet her grandfather, the head of the family. That night, Arundhati receives a misleading phone call in her fiancé Rahul’s voice asking her to come to the fort of Gadwal, where she faces a horrible revelation. Learning the story from an aged servant maid Chandramma, Arundhati discovers that she is a doppelgänger of her great-grandmother Arundhati, fondly called Jejamma.

Jejamma is an expert in painting, dance, and martial arts. Her elder sister is married to her cross-cousin Pasupathi, a womanizer who rapes the women he likes and kills those who object. While Jejamma was still a young girl, he rapes and kills her blind dance teacher while a horrified Jejamma watches through a peephole. Jejamma furiously demands that he be killed, but the king tells her that this would ruin her sister’s life. Hearing this, Jejamma’s sister commits suicide to save her family’s reputation. The people of Gadwal ferociously thrash and expel Pasupathi from the kingdom.Though Gadwal celebrates his end, he is saved by Aghoris (saints who practice the dark arts). Pasupathi masters the Tantric arts and returns to Gadwal many years later to exact his revenge. He unleashes carnage as he uses his powers to torture innocent people, something that the Aghoris are forbidden to do.

Meanwhile, Jejamma has grown up to be a gorgeous woman and is set to be married. Pasupathi arrives on Jejamma’s wedding day and lusts her magnificent beauty. Before killing her, he wants to rape her. He uses his spells to kill people around and takes her clothes off. Jejamma lures him away into a room and performs a special dance imbued with martial arts to lull Pasupathi. She then cuts off his tongue (thus ending the incantations) and pins his hands, befells a chandelier to fall on his body. She spares him from being killed to prevent him from becoming a ‘pretatma’ (a demonic poltergeist). Pasupathi is buried alive in a tomb, and powerful ‘yantras’ (defensive spells) are put on it to prevent him from coming out. Though Pasupathi’s corpse is buried, he uses his powers from his tomb to destroy peoples’ lives by causing famine and diseases in Gadwal.

Jejamma visits many temples and sages for the solution, but of no avail. She finally meets a few Aghoris in the forest, who tell her that she can only destroy Pasupathi’s vengeful spirit if she gives up her life.She bids adieu and tells everyone that the first girl who will be born in their family will be her and they ought to respect the child as they respect her. She then returns to the Aghoris, asking for a painful death that magnifies her revenge on Pasupathi. Thus the aghoris kill her by breaking coconuts on her head. Later, her body is burned at the stake and skeletonized for obtaining skull remains, ashes, and other accessories which are then fashioned into a dagger, the one weapon that could destroy Pasupathi forever.

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