Black Site 2018 hollywood movies review

A girl is confronted by something old, yet utterly sinister. Images flash through her mind. A mysterious tentacled creature’s shape is revealed in brilliant flashes, with a miasma cloud surrounding it in deep space. A streak of shooting light shines brightly as it makes its way across the cosmos, running away from the planet from which it has been cast out.

Two figures, both with blank white eyes stand side by side. Their mouths are agape as ominous music plays in the background. With the mystery set by the past, we dive headfirst into the future that takes root at the mysterious BLACK SITE.

Written and directed by Tom Paton (Redwood), BLACK SITE focuses primarily on Ren Reid (Samantha Schnitzler), the young girl who had a fateful encounter with the Elder God, Erebus, at the very beginning of the film. She is now a woman grown and desires to be a field officer like her father and her grandfather before her.

Unfortunately, due to the encounter she had in her youth with the Elder God, she is unable to pass her psych evals in order to be declared competent to work in the field. As is explained pretty early on in the film, the Elder Gods have managed to slip from their world to planet Earth. In order to sustain their strength, they inhabit human bodies with detrimental effects on the humans they take over. In order to subdue the Gods and take them back to the BLACK SITE where the Elder Gods are then deported back to their own world, field officers need to be able to have strong minds. It becomes very clear to all that the impact of the Elder God on Ren’s brain as a child has left scars.

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