Body of Sin 2018 hollywood movies review

The lure and power of enticement. It’s almost an art form when these traits are utilized to bring out the usual desired result, mainly when associated with the feelings between two people in love, the magnetism a potent, driving force. Yet, there is also a more bewitching side to this attraction that, if enabled for more nefarious purposes, can also lead to the consequences of one’s actions. Employing such beguiling tactics to full advantage, a woman named Erica Tate (Elisha Kriis) and her novice partner Lauren (Ellie Patrikios) deftly navigate the upscale city bar scene with intent to catch unfaithful men, ensnare them, then steal what they have as an object lesson in the repercussions of infidelity.

Despite Lauren’s overall hesitations in what they do, Erica’s cold, calculating methods still net them plenty of profit, especially on one evening when Erica gains an unexpected bounty via a victim named Purcell (Danny Arroyo) that equals the score of their lives. Choosing to lay low in an isolated island town where Erica maintains a safe house, the two ponder what comes next, even as Ellie becomes involved with the island’s newly appointed lawman Mike (William Mark McCullough) and Erica with another potential target, Tom (Riccardo Berdini). However, when an enigmatic stranger (Barry Piacente) seems to begin causing trouble for the two thieves, it soon becomes apparent more is at stake for Erica and Ellie, including their very lives.

Delivering a straightforward, uncomplicated, well-paced, and solidly entertaining effort, director/producer Amariah Olson and co-director/executive producer/cinematographer Obin Olson’s 84-minute dramatic crime adventure may lack some of the overt grandeur in production value found in many a mainstream film, but don’t let this lessen or take anything away from the overall product provided. The beauty of independent cinema, for this reviewer anyway, is often found in the imperfections a project may illustrate, because one should appreciate the sheer passion, heart, drive, and determination it takes just to make a movie, much less see it distributed in any larger way beyond festivals.

The Olson’s tale of one woman’s crusade to “punish” men who she’s found are unfaithful in their actions while trying not to let it show the toll it might actually take on her own soul is plausible enough, even as her current escapade ends up potentially costing her, her partner’s, and others entering their circle their well-being. It shines a light on what it is to be unfeeling and devoid of being loved by anyone beyond the surface, yet also ends up showcasing chinks in this hardened exterior thanks to having to suddenly be concerned about others instead of just oneself. The visual look here is smooth and well filmed, fully utilizing pristine Georgia land and seascapes for what become the primary backdrops once the main narrative is established. The action here at times felt a little underwhelming relative to what was intended, but again, it all works out fine in the grand scheme of events unfolding. As stated above, it’s the effort that’s key.

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