Braven 2018 hollywood movies review

Logging company owner and family man Joe Braven lives with his wife Stephanie and their daughter Charlotte. Braven’s father Linden, who suffers from brain trauma due to a head injury, gets into a bar room brawl after mistaking a woman for his wife, requiring Joe to come to his aid and resulting in Linden going to the hospital. At Stephanie’s suggestion Joe and Linden decide to spend some time together at the family’s secluded mountain cabin, unaware that Charlotte was hiding in the back of the vehicle so she could tag along.

While transporting logs by truck, Joe’s co-worker Weston is asked by Hallett, who is a drug trafficker, to recruit other drivers into Hallett’s criminal activities, but Weston refuses. During the exchange, Weston loses control of his truck, causing a crash that displaces all the logs and cocaine from the vehicle. After they resolve to go to Joe’s mountain cabin to store the cocaine there, Weston and Hallett are picked up by a police patrol car. Hallett relays the news of the crash to his employer, drug lord Kassen, moments before Kassen kills Randall, who presumably worked with him in the past.

After Joe, Linden and Charlotte arrive at the cabin, Joe discovers the cocaine hidden in the shed, so he hides Charlotte in a storage closet before being surrounded by Kassen’s mercenaries. When Weston tries to act as a go-between, Kassen kills him. Unable to call for help because of lack of cellular signals at the cabin, Joe, armed with a bow and arrow, and Linden with a gun, kills one of the mercenaries named Luisi of the mercenaries during the ensuing standoff.

Needing higher ground to access a cellular network, Joe drives out of the house on a quad bike with the original cocaine bag, with Charlotte hidden under a blanket. Joe drops off Charlotte and instructs her climb to the mountain, where she calls her mother, who in turn calls the sheriff. While Joe is driving, another mercenary named Gentry attacks him, who nearly gets the best of him before Joe straps Gentry’s foot on the quad and drives if off a cliff, killing Gentry and almost killing Joe. Kassen finds the bag, but it is empty. Discovering where Joe sent Charlotte, Kassen sends one of the mercenaries, Ridley, to find her. Hallett enters the cabin, he is stabbed twice with a skewer by Linden, killing him. Not far after, Liden is fatally wounded by another mercenary, Essington.

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