Cold Pursuit 2019 movie reviews

After being awarded “Citizen of the Year” by the fictional ski resort of Kehoe, Colorado, snowplow driver Nels Coxman’s quiet life is disrupted when his son dies from a forced heroin overdose. Nels’ wife Grace leaves her husband in grief. He is about to commit suicide when he learns that his son was murdered by a Denver drug cartel. He decides to seek vigilante justice, makes a sawed-off rifle, and kills three members of the cartel, dumping their bodies in a nearby river.

The cartel’s psychopathic leader, drug lord Trevor “Viking” Calcote, first suspects that these deaths are the work of his rival White Bull, an Ute with whom he has so far avoided conflict. Viking has one of Bull’s gangsters murdered, not knowing it is White Bull’s only son. This drives White Bull to seek “a son for a son”, and he orders his men to kidnap Viking’s young son.

Nels seeks advice from his brother Brock, once a mob enforcer known as “Wingman”, and learns about Viking. Brock tells Nels that killing Viking requires a hired assassin, and he recommends a transplanted African-American hitman known as “The Eskimo.” The Eskimo agrees to kill Viking for $90,000, but decides he can get another $90,000 from Viking by informing him that “Coxman” has hired him for the hit. Viking does not appreciate the Eskimo’s “lack of professional ethics” and kills him. He thinks the Eskimo meant Brock Coxman, and he takes Brock for his “last ride.” Since Brock is dying of rectal cancer, he claims responsibility for the hits to protect his brother.

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