Wade Wilson, a mercenary who was dishonorably dismissed from the special forces, encounters Vanessa, a prostitute. After they start dating, she accepts his proposal of marriage a year later. Wilson unexpectedly departs Vanessa after receiving a terminal cancer diagnosis so she won’t have to witness his death.
Wilson is approached by an enigmatic recruiter who offers him an experimental cancer treatment. After being brought to Ajax and Angel Dust, they give him an injection of a serum meant to activate dormant mutant genes. Wilson is put through days of torture in an attempt to stress him out and cause any mutation he could have, but they are unsuccessful. Over the course of a weekend, Ajax leaves Wilson in a hyperbaric chamber that brings him dangerously close to asphyxia after Wilson finds out that Ajax is really Francis and makes fun of him for it.
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3d movie link not any 3d movie this site only waste of time
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