Dragon Eyes 2012 hollywood movies review

Dragon Eyes is a 2012 American martial arts film starring Cung Le and Jean-Claude Van Damme. It was directed by John Hyams. In New Orleans, a mysterious man looks to unite two warring gangs against the lawmen who have been using them to advance their corrupt agenda.

St. Jude Square is a neighborhood living in fear and despair. The dueling gangs of local kingpins, Dash and Antoine, terrorize the streets, and the citizens live without a shred of hope until mysterious stranger, Ryan Hong (Cung Le) arrives. He begins to play one gang against the other, by calling on the teachings of his mentor, Tiano (Jean-Claude Van Damme), to find the strength to battle back. However, just as he begins to bring the community under control, Hong is confronted by Mr. V (Peter Weller), the town’s corrupt police chief. At first Mr. V is impressed by Hong’s skill, but soon sees Hong as a threat to his regime and the two are locked in a head to head battle, pitting the fear and corruption of Mr. V’s regime against the new beginning Hong represents for the people of St. Jude Square.

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