Fear Street Part 3 1666 (2021) hollywood movie reviews

Having reunited the severed hand of Sarah Fier with the rest of her corpse, Deena has a vision showing the events of 1666 from the perspective of Sarah Fier herself. She lives with her father George and brother Henry in Union, the original settlement before it was divided into Sunnyvale and Shadyside. The community also includes Pastor Cyrus Miller, his daughter Hannah (whom Sarah is in love with), Abigail and her sister Constance, Mad Thomas, Caleb, Sarah’s friends Lizzie and Isaac, Solomon Goode (ancestor of sheriff Nick Goode), and Solomon’s brother Elijah.

One night, while Sarah, Lizzie, and Hannah make their way to a party for the young adults, they sneak into the tent of a reclusive widow, where Sarah stumbles on a book of black magic. After fleeing, she and her friends arrive at the party, and there, she and Hannah are harassed by Caleb as they reject his advances. The two run off and get intimate, unknowingly seen by Mad Thomas. The next day, Pastor Miller begins to act strange, as the town is struck with horrible misfortune. Sarah confides in Solomon and wonders if she is responsible for the town’s bad luck. The two then hear a scream and realize that Pastor Miller has locked several children in the chapel. When they break down the door, they discover that Pastor Miller has murdered the children, which include Henry and Constance. Sarah finds Henry’s body and, while distracted, is nearly killed by Pastor Miller before he himself is killed by Solomon.

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