Firequake 2014 hollywood movies review

Nikki Carter (Zoe Barker) is reluctantly coming to live with her mother, Eve (Alexandra Paul – 16-Love), following her father’s death from a heart attack, which the experts say was down to his diabetes, some thing which Nikki also has. But Nikki believes her mother abandoned them in favour of her career which has seen her create a brand new form of clean energy, even more powerful than the sun.

The thing is that such a powerful energy source needs rigorous safety measures and when her boss starts cutting corners, as he want things done now, it leads to big trouble. When a highly explosive fluid starts to seep below the Earth’s crust it causes a series of biblical disasters as earthquakes start to rock cities and the sea starts to boil. Now Eve must not only save the day but make sure her daughter is safe and save her reputation at the same time.

When you spend your days watching, reviewing and writing about movies some times watching some thing which is mindless entertainment ends up the sort of distraction you need. It is the reasons why I actually seek out made for TV disaster movies such as “Firequake” despite knowing full well that these movies are not great pieces of entertainment and are little more than a lot of badly written nonsense with a bucket load of bad special effects.

Now whilst “Firequake” gives us a set up which not only features a new clean energy but also a mother trying to deal with a daughter who resents her the movie is pretty standard. As such what we get is Eve trying to make sure some friends and family are okay, dodgy officials perverted by greed causing problems and of course the sort of special effects which are neither special nor overly realistic. I could also mention the misrepresentation of diabetes, some less than believable dialogue, awkward delivery of said dialogue and a script which feels like the writers just dropped in some terms they heard of “The Big Bang Theory”. It makes “Firequake” a movie which is bad nonsense yet entertaining when you want something visual and amusing.

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