Freedom Fight 2022 movies review

Freedom Fight review: All of the movies deal with some of the most important social problems of the country. And each of these films is narrated from the point of view of those who are less fortunate and who always end up getting a raw deal in the rigid power structure of our society.

Freedom Fight is easily the best anthology movie to come out in a long time. The ensemble of short stories has a significant literary value. Each episode in this movie leaves a deep impression on our psyche. All of the movies deal with some of the most important social problems of the country. And each of these films is narrated from the point of view of those who are less fortunate and who always end up getting a raw deal in the rigid power structure of our society.

The title of director Akhil Anilkumar’s film is Geethu Unchained, which is a wordplay on Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained. Similar to the Hollywood western, this film is the revenge of an oppressed against the oppressor. Our heroine Geethu, played by an energetic Rajisha Vijayan, fights against patriarchy.

She is an independent and well-earning woman. She becomes her family’s shame and the person of interest among the neighbourhood gossip when she calls off her engagement with her boyfriend. She is in love with him. And the man she dated begins to show some drastic changes when they both decide to get married. He becomes more invasive, dominating and begins to control her life. What will our heroine choose – her freedom or love sans freedom?

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