Geetha Govindam 2018 movies review

Vijay meets Nithya on the road at night, where he is sitting alone and sad. Nithya’s car breaks down and she asks him for help, he says only if she gives him alcohol and if she will listen to his story. Seeing him as a non-alcoholic, she asks if it is a love story. To which he tells her his story.

During a visit to a temple, Vijay comes to know that the decorations were all done by a girl named Geetha. He discovers that the girl is unmarried and is immediately attracted to her. Before he can pursue her, he comes to know that his sister’s engagement is fixed and leaves for his town Kakinada. Coincidentally, Geetha is his co-passenger on the bus, occupying the window seat beside him.

While trying to take a selfie with Geetha, who was sleeping, Vijay accidentally kisses her. She wakes up and feels violated, and slaps Vijay. Vijay keeps apologizing profusely and tries to explain Geetha. But however, she does not listen to him and calls her brother to tell him about the incident. Geetha’s brother Phaneendra, after knowing about misbehaviour done with Geetha, gets ready with his henchmen at Kakinada station to kill the boy, in front of the temple. Phaneendra is accompanied by police officer Ravi. Vijay freaks out and in a fight with Geetha and jumps off from the bus.

When he comes home, he is shocked to find that his sister Sirisha is engaged to Phaneendra, Geetha’s brother. However, during the function, Geetha does not rat Vijay out to her family as the boy from the bus, as she doesn’t want Sirisha’s wedding to be cancelled just because of Vijay. Vijay and Geetha are then paired to invite wedding guests in Hyderabad. Vijay throughout their time together repeatedly apologises for his behaviour, but Geetha doesn’t accept his apology.

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