Jurassic School 2017 hollywood movies review

Director/Photography – Mark Atkins, Screenplay – Anna Rasmussen, Producer – David Michael Latt, Music – Heather Schmidt, Visual Effects Supervisor – Joseph J. Lawson, Practical Dinosaur Effects – Vincent Guastini Prods. Effects & Design Studio (Supervisor – Vincent Guastini), Production Design – Dawn R. Ferry. Production Company – The Asylum.

Gabriel Bennett (Tommy Harris), Amber Patino (Chloe Harris), Ashton Pulis (Ethan), John Briddell (Dr. Reginald Reynolds), Tamara Goodwin (Ms. Hadley), Shanynn Samiyah Covington (Cynthia), Jhey Castles (Helen Harris), Roy Abramsohn (Jon Harris)

Young Tommy Harris is competing to earn his school’s YAPS (Young Academic Palaeontologist School) prize – the winner will have the opportunity to create a project at Vista Tech labs under Dr Reginald Reynolds. Tommy comes up with the idea of genetically editing bird eggs to cause them to revert to their dinosaur ancestry. However, rival contender Ethan sabotages Tommy’s project and goes on to win the prize. The teacher Ms Hadley persuades Reynolds to take Tommy on to help only for the bullying Ethan to make Tommy do all the work. Back home, Tommy manages to hatch one of his eggs, producing a moderate size dinosaur, which he names Spike. Tommy then has the problem of how to hide Spike from his parents, as well as provide the more oxygen-rich environment it requires. When Spike gets loose at the school, Reynolds determines to capture and claim it for himself.

Google Drive – Gdtot








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