Killer Book Club 2023 hollywood movies review

A book club consisting of Angela, Sara, Nando, Rai, Sebastian, Koldo, Eva, and Virginia chooses a book to read and then discusses it after everyone has finished it. Nando works as a waiter at a bar and is seeing Angela, who attends college with the other students.

Sebastian and Nando don’t get along because Nando thinks Sebastian is fixated on Angela. Her literary professor is eager to see Angela’s new work because she already published a novel six years ago that earned her some notoriety.

Angela considers emailing her professor her rough drafts, but she decides against it. The professor informs Angela the following day that he has received her email and would want to talk about it in his office.

He tries to impose himself on her when she arrives, but she pushes him away and flees. When the other club members learn about it, they resolve to take action to retaliate against the professor.

They recently read a novel about a deadly clown, and now they want to play a practical joke on the professor by dressing up as clowns. One night on campus when no one else is around, the entire group dresses up and terrorizes the lecturer.







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