Killerman 2019 hollywood movie reviews

Moe (Hemsworth) and Bobby “Skunk” (Cohen) are money launderers for Perico (Buric) who is also Bobby’s uncle. They are both given a large job which involves $20 million in 10 days.

As they are both about to launder the money they get a call from Perico to not do anything and just sit on the money until he rings them again. This gives Bobby an opportunity to make a fast buck by doing a drug deal and making some extra money. He involves Moe who reluctantly agrees after refusing flat out first.

They go to see an Indian shopkeeper Fedex (Sharma) who is told he will make $60,000 in a few hours if he gives them the phone number of the drug dealer. Hesitantly he gives them the phone number of Debo, a local drug dealer and contact him to set up a once only deal.

But Debo is in cahoots with some dirty cops who have “borrowed” the drugs from the evidence room so that they can rob the money and the drugs once the deal is done. Debo is given 1 kg of drugs, for his help and told to run with his gang by the cops whilst they ambush Moe and Bobby at the drug deal.

Unbeknownst to the cops, Moe has set up a shooter who helps them take the money and drugs back off the cops and escape with the cops in hot pursuit. Whilst getting away Moe crashes his car and loses his memory whilst Bobby has a few scratches.

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