Mary Kom 2014 movie reviews

A young Mangte Chungeijang Kom, daughter of a rice farmer from Imphal, finds a boxing glove in the remains of an air crash in 1991 in Kangathei. Kom is fascinated by the glove and grows up taking a keen interest in boxing, despite her father’s disapproval. During an early fight, she chases a boy and ends up in a boxing gym. After realising that the coach of the gym, Narjit Singh, was also the coach of the Asian champion Dingko Singh, Kom tells him about her boxing aspirations. He asks her to visit the gym for the next thirty days and says that he will only teach her if she is deserving enough. She starts visiting the gym, informing her mother but not her father. Days pass, but her coach does not enquire about her. Due to Kom’s dedication and stubbornness, Singh starts training her. Later, he suggests changing her name to Mary Kom.

Kom challenges a local wrestler for money, in order to get a household cow back, which the family had to sell off because of their financial troubles. This is where she meets the footballer Onler Kom. After winning the state-level championship, her father confronts her for keeping her involvement in the sport from him. When her father asks her to choose between him and boxing, she reluctantly chooses the sport. After watching her victorious 2002 Women’s World Amateur Boxing Championships match on television, her father reconciles with Kom, and apologises to her for not understanding her passion for the sport. Meanwhile, Onler proposes to her and agrees never to ask her to quit boxing. After she wins the 2006 Women’s World Amateur Boxing Championships, Kom agrees to marry him, much to her coach’s dissatisfaction. After the marriage, Kom gets pregnant and gives up her career to look after her family.

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