Mastizaade 2016 movie reviews

Sunny Kele and Aditya Chothia are two best friends who want to learn how to be successful in their sex life. They meet their friend who recalls an incident where he helped an old lady and she asked him to stay in her house as it was raining and the next day he wakes up to find an attractive girl whose name is Bunty and he apparently has sex with her. He encourages his friends to do the same.

Two years later, Sunny and Aditya are living a good sex life and participate in a sex-addict rehab where they present their presentation and later have sex with two girls after arousing them. Their colleague is impressed and they reveal that they have chicks-ray which allows them to see through women’s clothes and show it by telling the color of the lingerie three girls were wearing. Laila Lele and Lily Lele are very attractive twins. Laila after a shower, walks around naked in her house and then dresses up as her neighbour appears at the door, aroused by her.

They are fired from their company when they present an ad on a soft drink, Gol Goti Soda, where they showcase a boy wishing to enlarge a girl’s breasts. The two then meet Laila Lele and Lily Lele (both played by Sunny Leone) who are twins and are extremely attractive. Aditya and Sunny explain their gift of seeing through women’s dresses to a man by telling the colour of bras and panties three girls are wearing.

Laila is bathing when suddenly her bathroom curtain falls, revealing her naked but her butt gets blocked by soap. Then she moves around her house with a towel which gets ripped by a vacuum cleaner, leaving her to roam in her house totally naked. After she is dresses, she is greeted by her neighbour who gets aroused by seeing her and tries to flirt with her, asking two oranges when he sees her breasts. She wishes luck to Lily for her work who has a speech impediment.

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