Modi Kaka Ka Gaon 2017 movie reviews

A film made with a good intent to support someone or show them in a good light can end up affecting that very person, adversely. ‘Modi Kaka Ka Gaon’ is a perfect example of such a situation.

In the film, Prime Minister Nagendra (Vikas Mahante) gets elected and starts cleaning up the system. The film reflects on how, under his governance, not a single bad thing has affected India. As a sub plot, we see an honest collector Sarvagya (Chandramani) arrive in Rampur and take charge of affairs.

His main nemesis is the local politician Pappu Bihari (Phool Jha) who usurps villager’s land and wants Sarvagya to work with him. As a back-story, Sarvagya is orphaned when his debt-ridden father gets a heart attack and is adopted by the local teacher. The teacher has a daughter, too, named Chavi.

He loses both the kids when floods hit his village. So, while Sarvagya is taken in by an orphanage, Chavi is literally just picked up from the lake by an American journalist who takes her back to the states and rechristens her as Sheena (Zeba Khan). On a lark, she returns back to India, to her village, so she can help the development there.

Suddenly, Sheena becomes a journo-cum-sleuth and records Pappu Bihari discussing another corrupt plot and informs Sarvagya about it. The two work to punish the corrupt officials as PM Nagendra works tirelessly and introduces Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, plans surgical strikes and delivers the final salvo; demonetisation.

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