Mother Android 2021 hollywood movie reviews

On Christmas Eve, Georgia Olsen finds out that she is pregnant with her boyfriend, Samuel “Sam” Hoth’s child. The new revelations disturb Georgia’s peace as she doesn’t want to become a mother at this age. Sam tries to console Georgia and asks her to marry him, but she is unsure about the relationship.

Georgia decides to hide the secret from her parents. In a hurry, she leaves behind her phone in the bathroom and walks out of the house to attend a college Christmas party. An android, Eli, owned by the Olsens, wishes Sam happy Halloween instead of Christmas at the door, signaling the arrival of impending horror.

At the Christmas party, the members witness a loud shrill screech, similar to a technical glitch, and soon after, an android named Daniel turns violent. Daniel attacks Georgia and Sam, and they run away from the house. Due to the glitch, smartphones start exploding, killing their users. On the streets, Georgia and Sam witness the doom.

Nine months later, Georgia, expecting her baby, has taken shelter in the forest with Sam. The couple are trying to get to a fortified Boston. They have heard rumors about a boat that is transporting new mothers to Asia where they can find a peaceful life. But to reach Boston, Georgia and Sam have to cross a no man’s land filled with deadly androids.

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