Paranormal Drive 2016 movies review

Paranormal Drive caught my attention because it was described as “Christine in Moscow”. I love Christine. I do not love Paranormal Drive. It would be safe to say that this is probably one of the worst horror films I have ever seen and I have seen a lot of shitty horror films. Devoid of any scares, coherence or intelligence, Paranormal Drive is a dreary mess and a slog to get through.

The premise of the film is yawn-inducing, following a couple in a troubled relationship who take a trip to figure out their issues. They purchase a new BMW, which is haunted – oops! – by the ghost of a woman who met her end at the hands of a violent husband. Her body was left in this BMW for 8 days, so now she haunts it. Obviously. What ensues is a journey through every horror cliché in the book – from averagely CGI-ed ghostly figures in the rear view mirror to mysterious injuries and unexplainable noises

Google Drive – Gdtot







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