Peter Rabbit 2- The Runaway 2021 hollywood movie reviews

The wedding of Thomas McGregor and Bea McGregor takes place with all their friends, human and animal, in attendance. Peter Rabbit accepts this new part of his life. After the honeymoon, Thomas helps Bea on her children’s storybooks based on Peter and his friends. Peter is bit dismayed to know that the books have portrayed him as naughty. Bea then gets a letter in the mail from a publisher who wants to distribute her books.

Thomas and Bea take Peter, Benjamin, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail to meet the publisher, Nigel Basil-Jones. Nigel presents his marketing plan toward the rabbits, which paints Peter as a bad seed. They even see a billboard for a potential Peter Rabbit movie, which makes him look outright villainous. A dismayed Peter walks away from the group and goes into town where he meets an older rabbit named Barnabas. Barnabas recognizes Peter as the son of his old friend, but they are unfortunately caught by animal catchers and taken to a pet pound. Bea starts to sign over the rights to her books to Nigel, in agreement that the books would not be turned into some cash grab property. But it becomes apparent that this is Nigel’s plan anyway as he is known for turning simple concepts into something for a more commercial and contemporary audience.

Peter and Barnabas are taken in by a little girl named Amelia and kept in a cage. Barnabas manages to free himself and Peter with the help of his crew: mouse Samuel Whiskers, creepy cat Tom Kitten, and his sister Mittens. They all get away to town with the food after raiding the refrigerator. Thomas and Bea then find Peter and bring him home while Barnabas returns to his hideout.

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