Plan 2004 movie reviews

Four individuals, from different walks of life, meet on a train destined towards Mumbai. They are Bobby (Dino Morea), Omi (Rohit Roy), Lucky (Sanjay Suri) and Jai (Bikram Saluja). They immediately become friends as they are alone, and only Jai has someone to live with.

Bobby dreams of becoming an actor like Amitabh Bachchan. Omi needs to get back some money from a person who borrowed it from his father. Lucky was an expert gambler in his village and intends to test his luck in Mumbai. Jai wants to regain his lost love.

It turns out that Omi had in fact made a plan with the borrower for 100% cut of the money. While Lucky starts having luck in gambling, Bobby faces hard luck in the film industry, and Jai finds out that his love, Shalini (Riya Sen), had intentionally left him, and doesn’t want him back. To make Jai forget Shalini, his friends plan and hook him up with Tanya (Payal Rohatgi), a night-club prostitute, and he falls for her later. Soon after, the boys decide not to return to their village and instead enjoy the life of the city.

They enjoy the life in Mumbai, but ultimately find out that they are running short of cash. Thus Lucky decides to play a big gamble. All others pitch in whats left with them. However, the person playing opposite to Lucky cheats, resulting in Lucky owing him Rs. 700,000. They are warned to return the money in 2 weeks time, and not to leave the city.

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