Ragini MMS 2011 movie reviews

The whole movie is shot like a homemade movie, starting with Uday arriving at Ragini’s home. After asking Uday where they were heading and getting no response, Ragini’s friend Pia gets upset and wants Uday to leave their house immediately. Uday pays no heed to her, wakes Ragini up from her sleep, and tells her to get ready for their weekend getaway.

They then travel the whole day by car and arrive at Uday’s ‘house’- a mysterious abandoned place at a deserted location. Ragini’s mom calls her to ask about her whereabouts, but Ragini lies and cuts the call. It is revealed that Uday is involved in the hideous business of making and selling sex tapes of innocent girls.

This time, he has Ragini, who thinks that he loves her, but in reality he is misusing her trust to make money. They try to eat dinner that they brought with them, but gets thrown out after seeing insects. They move to the bedroom in an attempt to have sex but are interrupted by Pia and her boyfriend Vishal visiting them.

Furious by their visit, Uday tells Ragini to get rid of them, but end up staying for a while. After sometime, Vishal asks Uday for the way to the bathroom and Uday tells him. Seeing that the corridor leading to the bathroom is dark, Vishal tells Uday that a woman previously lived in the house.

She was called a witch by her family who killed her, following which her spirit murdered her entire family and since then has been haunting the house. Uday laughs at this preposition thinking that it’s a joke and walks away. Vishal hesitantly makes his way back to the living room but senses someone behind him. He then finds a door, opens it, and goes through. Someone knocks on the main door. When Uday opens, Vishal stumbles in as if he fell down and has a wound on his neck.

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