Resident Evil Welcome to Raccoon City 2021 hollywood movie reviews

Claire Redfield and her brother Chris are children living at the Raccoon City Orphanage. Claire meets and befriends Lisa Trevor, a disfigured girl who has been experimented on by Dr. William Birkin, an employee for the Umbrella Corporation, who oversees the orphanage and takes children for his own experimental research. Claire escapes from Birkin when she is selected to participate in an experiment.

In 1998, Claire returns to Raccoon City, hitchhiking in a semi-truck. While distracted, the truck driver hits a woman who is walking in the road. When Claire and the driver investigate, the woman disappears, leaving only a pool of blood behind. The truck driver’s Dobermann licks the blood, and, over time, begins to foam at the mouth; becoming erratic. Meanwhile, Leon S. Kennedy, a rookie police officer, notices that the diner’s owner has blood coming from her eyes when a deformed crow crashes into the window.

Claire heads to Chris’s home to warn him about Umbrella’s experiments, revealing Ben Bertolucci as her source of information. After Chris leaves for the police station, Claire steals his motorbike. Before leaving, a child breaks into the house, running from his mother; both have severe hair loss, are erratic, and bloody.

At the police station, the STARS Alpha team meet with Chief Brian Irons to discuss the recent events. Irons explains he doesn’t know what is going on, but that Bravo team is missing while investigating a death at the remote Spencer Mansion. Alpha team, composed of Chris, Jill Valentine, Richard Aiken, Brad Vickers, and Albert Wesker is sent to the mansion to investigate. Traveling by helicopter, Alpha team find Bravo team’s police vehicle and follow tracks to the mansion.

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