Rowdy Rathore 2012 movie reviews

Shivam “Shiva” Bhardwaj ( Akshay Kumar ) is a small-time thief in Mumbai who falls in love with Parvathi “Paro” Bharadwaj from Patna, after pinching her hip and caressing it, to which she squeals. He tells her the truth about being a thief and resolves to give up crime because he loves Paro dearly. Before that, he decides to commit a large robbery along with his con-friend 2G, which would enable him to earn a lot of money so he can give up the crime life. He also “tricks” a woman on a railway station and flees with a trunk. This leads Shiva to Chinki, a little girl who was in the trunk instead of the wealth he thought was there. Chinki thinks that he is her father. Puzzled, he is forced to keep Chinki with him, as a police officer Vishal Sharma keeps his eye on him.

Shiva fears Paro will catch him with Chinki, and he will lose her forever. He finds a photo of Chinki and her father, who looks exactly like Shiva, thus realizing why Chinki thinks Shiva is her father. It is revealed that Chinki’s father is Vikram Singh Rathod ( Akshay Kumar ), a brave police officer who criminals fear. While chasing a goon to find his daughter, Vikram gets hit by an auto, and his brain endures severe trauma. The doctor tells him that the brain injury is serious enough to put his life in danger.

After a few days, Shiva gets fed up with Chinki and breaks the tape recorder she uses to listen to her late mother’s voice. The next morning, he learns that her mother died. Feeling guilty, he fixes the recorder and becomes fond of Chinki, taking care of her. Unfortunately, Paro sees this and believes he has a daughter that he hid from her, and Paro leaves for Patna heartbroken. Soon, the goons who are after Vikram see Shiva. Thinking he is Vikram, they start chasing him. Shiva and Chinki flee for their lives and encounter the woman from the railway station, who tells Shiva to run. Shiva is soon surrounded by the goons. It is revealed that Vikram is watching the whole thing from the top of a building. Just as Shiva is about to get stabbed, Vikram jumps down, killing one of the goons.

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