Royal Kill 2009 hollywood movie reviews

Royal Kill (also released under the title Ninja’s Creed) is a 2009 American psychological action thriller film directed by Babar Ahmed and starring Eric Roberts and Pat Morita, along with Lalaine and professional wrestler Gail Kim. The film was released April 10, 2009 in theaters. The DVD release went by the name Ninja’s Creed and went on sale July 20, 2010.

Jan (Lalaine) is a teenage girl living in Washington, D.C. Unbeknownst to her, the Skanji regime murdered the Kingdom of Samarza’s royal family, therefore making her the remaining heir to the throne. A Samarzan warrior journeys to D.C. to bring Jan back to lead the Samarzan people and protect her from the Skanji assassin sent to eliminate her.

On April 7, 2009, the producers of Royal Kill held an informal press conference with the film’s director, lead actress, and composer. In addition, two supposed “experts” were present to discuss the Nepalese royal massacre as the basis for the story. When the topic was brought up, a woman in the audience started to berate one of the experts before approaching her and slamming her head into a table. A brief fight ensued before the attacker was pulled away. She then hopped into a waiting car.

Video of the incident was posted to YouTube and other internet video sites, eventually being viewed millions of times. Some suspected that it was staged.

In fact, both women involved were professional wrestlers hired to do a stunt in hopes of attracting attention to the low-budget film. The attacker was noted wrestler Shelly Martinez. A video later appeared showing the participants rehearsing and discussing the incident.

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