Secret Weapon 2019 movie reviews

Based on a true story, the film tells about the famous Soviet rocket launcher nicknamed “Katyusha”, which was kept in great secrecy during World War 2. One of these unique killing machines has drowned during an unexpected retreat of the Russian troops. A special unit formed of ex-athletes is sent to rescue the secret weapon that the Germans can never find — no matter what it takes…

In the depths of World War II, a powerful secret Soviet rocket launcher is accidentally left during an unexpected retreat of Russian troops. Lethal in the hands of the Germans, a special operations unit is sent to rescue the launcher, to ensure Germans can never find and use it to win the war. Against all odds, the unit must fight to retrieve the secret weapon, no matter what it takes.

In the midst of World War II, a powerful secret Soviet rocket launcher is accidentally left behind during an unexpected retreat of Russian troops. Since it would be lethal if the launcher got into the hands of the Germans, a special operations unit is sent to retrieve the launcher, and to ensure Germans can never find and use it to win the war.

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