Setup 2011 hollywood movie reviews

In Detroit three friends, Sonny (100 Cent), Dave (Brett Granstaff) and Vincent (Ryan Phillippe), plan out a detailed heist of $5 million dollars worth of diamonds. Their plans turn deadly when Vincent betrays the others, shooting Sonny and Dave (who dies on the spot). Sonny manages to survive and seeks revenge by teaming up with the most dangerous mob boss in town (Bruce Willis) to retrieve the money from the heist.

Biggs, the mob boss sends Petey (one of his henchmen) and Sonny to retrieve $2 million buried in a cemetery. They get the money and Petey puts the money in the trunk of his car. But Petey accidentally shoots himself. Sonny brings Petey’s body to the Butcher. He follows Mia to the fence’s home and threatens him. The fence runs to Vincent saying that he has to clean up his mess because he left Sonny alive as a loose end. Vincent kills him.

Biggs inquires about Petey and Sonny. Sal interrogates Ivan to death trying to find out information on Petey. Sonny heads to the church where the pastor asks, “do you believe in free will? the idea that you are free to make your own choices in this world?”. Sonny replies “of course”, the pastor continues, “then how could you make a choice between right and wrong if god did not offer the two extremes?”. Vincent seeks John’s help to close on the Sonny loose end. Sonny visits the cemetery and Dave’s grave.

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