Solis 2018 hollywood movies review

There is a lot that’s great about Solis, and there is just as much which is disappointing. So it’s very difficult to generalize about its quality. I’ll ease up to that, then, and give you the information first. Solis was written and directed by Carl Strathie and centers on an engineer with a mining company.

The team he was working with has had to leave in a hurry from the asteroid where they were extracting minerals and other compounds; and even though they left in an Emergency Evacuation Vehicle, the departure was not a success. The EEV is damaged, off-course and all but one of the team die in the process. This one is Troy Holloway (Steven Ogg), and the film follows his attempts to stay safe and get home, with the assistance of Commander Roberts (Alice Lowe) on the company radio. Roberts pledges to lead a rescue party… but can she get there before his luck runs out?

Steven Ogg (can’t believe I didn’t recognize him as Simon from The Walking Dead!) is a perfectly serviceable Troy Holloway; Troy McClure, if he had a bit more action on screen. There is a good deal of panic, anxiety, and pain for him to show, and a little bit of thinking, but that’s about it.

Alice Lowe’s smooth English voice is pretty much ideal for Roberts: her character is more than a little unprepared for managing a crisis, does her best with authority, and is a lot more comfortable when she takes an emotional approach to her support. But this is also one of the flaws of the film: there is a real sense of predictability when Roberts’ dialogue moves from safety protocols and crisis management into being Holloway’s counselor. It would be no surprise at all if they met with a hug at the end.

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