Tall Girl 2019 hollywood movie reviews

Jodi Kreyman is 16 and 6 ft 1+1⁄2 in (1.87 m) tall. She has been tall for her age since she was three, which has made her insecure her whole life. Students continually ask Jodi, “how’s the weather up there?”. In contrast, Jodi’s older sister Harper is of average height and a multiple beauty pageant winner. Jack Dunkleman, a life-long friend, frequently asks her out, but she is reluctant, partly because he’s much shorter than her.

Stig Mohlin, a Swedish foreign exchange student, joins Jodi’s class, and she is immediately interested, along with most girls in her school. However, Kimmy Stitcher, her bully, starts showing him around. Dunkleman is distressed to learn that Stig will be staying at his house as the host family. Jodi asks Harper for help getting Stig to notice her. Harper and their mother help her with a complete makeover.

Kimmy and Schnipper prank call Jodi, pretending to be Stig and asking her to homecoming. To Fareeda’s frustration, Jodi hides in the bathroom to avoid Kimmy. Stumbling across Stig playing the piano, he encourages her to play, and they sing the duet “I’ve Never Been in Love Before” from the musical Guys and Dolls.

Jodi finds her father has organized a Tip Toppers (tall people club) chapter meeting in their house at home, which she finds upsetting. Stig calls, and at first, thinking it is another prank call, she yells at him, but he invites her to watch a musical. She turns up to Dunkleman’s house, and he becomes jealous when he realizes she is there to see Stig. He continually interrupts their evening, but as Stig escorts Jodi home, they kiss. Later, feeling guilty, Stig asks Dunkleman for advice, and he tells him to focus on being with Kimmy. Jodi gets angry at Dunkleman when she learns this.

Meanwhile, another girl—Liz—asks Dunkleman on a date. Schnipper is now interested in Jodi, so he gets Kimmy to ask her to join them for an escape room; Jodi ditches a concert with Fareeda to go. In the escape room, they kiss in couples: Jodi and Schnipper, Kimmy and Stig, and Dunkleman and Liz, until Jodi gets frustrated and leaves. Jealous, Stig talks to Jodi and agrees to go on a date to Harper’s pageant competition. Harper wins, but Stig does not turn up. At Dunkleman’s party, Stig explains that he lost track of time helping Dunkleman set up.

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