The Batman 2022 hollywood movies review

Reclusive billionaire Bruce Wayne has operated for two years as the vengeance-seeking vigilante Batman in Gotham City. Mayor Don Mitchell Jr., who is campaigning for reelection and previously oversaw a historic bust that ended mobster Salvatore Maroni’s drug operation, is murdered by a serial killer calling himself the Riddler. The Riddler leaves behind a clue in the form of a riddle addressed to Batman.

The riddle leads Batman and Lieutenant James Gordon of the Gotham City Police Department (GCPD) to a thumb drive containing images of Mitchell with a woman, Annika Koslov, at the Iceberg Lounge, a nightclub operated by mobster Carmine Falcone’s lieutenant, Penguin.

Batman questions the Penguin, who pleads ignorance, and meets Selina Kyle, Annika’s roommate and girlfriend, who works there as a waitress. When Annika disappears, Selina works with Batman, infiltrating the club to search for answers. They discover that the Riddler’s victims are all officials on Falcone’s payroll. Selina is unnerved upon encountering Falcone and abandons the mission.

The Riddler abducts corrupt DA Gil Colson, straps a timed collar bomb to his neck, and sends him to interrupt Mitchell’s funeral. When Batman arrives, the Riddler calls him via Colson’s phone. He will detonate the bomb if Colson cannot answer three riddles. Colson answers the first two, but refuses to answer the third—the name of the GCPD informant who assisted in the Maroni drug bust—and dies. Thinking the Penguin is the informant, Batman and Gordon track him down at a drug deal.

There they discover that Maroni’s operation was actually taken over by Falcone, with many GCPD officers operating under him. A shootout ensues when Selina arrives to steal Falcone’s drug money. Selina discovers Annika’s strangled corpse in a car trunk. Batman captures the Penguin, but learns that he is not the informant. Upon being questioned, Selina reveals to Batman that she is Falcone’s illegitimate daughter; when her mother was strangled to death, Falcone never claimed her as his own.

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