The Room (2019) hollywood movies review


When I was small, I only knew small things. But now I’m five, I know everything!

Are movies real? Do they live and breathe? Can they become our friends as we grow older and can they evolve into companions, as we grow older still? Every so often, one comes along, and quietly sweeps you off your feet. It takes you to places you could never imagine even in the most ambitious dreams you’ve dreamt.

To describe Room in words is quite impossible. To tell you its plot would be cruel. There is only one way to experience this film, and that is to go into it with only a childlike sense of curiosity. Not a single word needs to be read beforehand, nor a frame of the trailer watched. This is going to be a precious film. Make sure you do it the right way.

We all have our favourite movies, and for every new film we go into, we are armed with the undying hope that it may move us like one of our favourites did. It becomes a quest of sorts, a struggle with more failure than success, more disappointment than joy. But still, we carry on. Because we know in the end it will all be worth it. Because when we finally find what we are looking for, all that cacophony will blend into one and only the special ones will remain. The ones that will that will stay with us till it’s time to go. And after years of betrayal, I’ve found Room.

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