The Tinder Swindler 2022 hollywood movies review

REVIEW: In essence, ‘Tinder Swindler’ is basically Leonardo DiCaprio—burning wads of cash on substance binges, designer suits and elaborate parties in his Oscar hopeful, ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’—except the “multimillionaire” here has no money. Correction: no money he can call his own. The two-hour-long documentary re-establishes that old axiom about life: one on truth being stranger than fiction.

In orderly manner, three personable, bright-eyed women—Cecilie, Pernilla and Ayleen—from different parts of the world give us an understanding of how Israeli con artist, Simon Leviev’s (he had a poor upbringing and loads of aliases, of course), world of deception actually works/worked?! First, it’s the custom-made caviar, expensive holidays and breakfast and dinners in stunning locales. Next in line is the family business being under threat and him being chased by enemies.

On the pretext of being Israeli billionaire’s ‘prince of diamonds’ son, Leviev would tell women he was being attacked and then ask them to pay for his bills as he cannot—absolutely cannot!—be leaving any paper trails of his movement behind. Naturally, mushy texts and reassurances from co-conspirators convince these women that they have, indeed, found their Prince Charming. The culprit, a swindler. His mode of operation, new-age hunting ground Tinder.

Remember that crucial moment in the world of romance when the modern-day dating apps were being frowned upon by boomers and how they advocated for meeting people ‘out in the real world’ instead? Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but ‘Tinder Swindler’ confirms they were right all along. Through a tight, million-miles-a-minute approach, director Felicity Morris roller coasters through Leviev’s years of scamming women—some as lovers, as friends, and even girlfriends with the promise of marriage—that started out of his home country as a teen. Despite one conviction, and jail time in Finland, this cunningly charming little monster makes his way through various European countries and the hearts of their trusting women.

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