Till Death 2021 hollywood movie reviews

Emma is unhappily married to her controlling husband Mark and recently ended an affair with his employee Tom. On their anniversary, Mark gives her a necklace and takes her to the secluded lake house they used to visit. He asks for a second chance, and they make love. She wakes the next morning to discover that Mark has committed suicide by shooting himself in the head, and that she is handcuffed to his corpse.

Emma tries to call for help, but Mark had disabled the landline and her cell phone. She finds a safe in the wardrobe hidden behind her wedding dress. She finds car keys in the kitchen trash.

Emma wraps cloth around her feet and drags Mark’s body to the garage. She attempts to start the car, but the fuel tank is empty. Tom appears at the house after receiving messages from Emma’s phone, which were actually sent by Mark. After Emma recounts what happened, Tom says that the police won’t believe the truth and suggests they lie.

In the messages, Mark explains that he planned to commit suicide because the police were going to arrest him on multiple counts of tampering with evidence. Knowing that his career was over, Mark wanted to drag Emma down with him as punishment for her affair. A man named Jimmy arrives saying he was hired to fix the plumbing. Tom doesn’t believe him and pays him to leave, but Jimmy’s brother Bobby gets out of the car and kills Tom. Bobby is Emma’s former stalker, who 10 years earlier had tried to kill her. She stabbed him in the eye before he was arrested, ultimately serving 10 years in prison.

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