Zack Snyder’s Justice League 2021 hollywood movie reviews

Thousands of years ago, Darkseid and his legions of Parademons attempted to conquer Earth using the combined energies of the three Mother Boxes. The attempt was foiled by a unified alliance of the Olympian Gods, Amazons, Atlanteans, the humans, and a Green Lantern. After Darkseid’s army was repelled, the Mother Boxes were separated and hidden in different locations. In the present, Superman’s death has triggered the Mother Boxes’ reactivation and the appearance of Steppenwolf, one of Darkseid’s servants, on Earth. Steppenwolf aims to regain favor with his master by gathering the boxes to form “The Unity”.

Steppenwolf retrieves one Mother Box from Themyscira, prompting Queen Hippolyta to warn her daughter Diana. Diana informs Bruce Wayne, who has been looking for other metahumans, such as Arthur Curry, to form a team, but Arthur refused to join him. Bruce then goes to recruit Barry Allen, while Diana locates Victor Stone. While initially refusing, Victor later joins after his father Silas and several other S.T.A.R. Labs employees are kidnapped by Steppenwolf, who is seeking the Mother Box protected by mankind.

Steppenwolf attacks an Atlantean outpost to retrieve the next Mother Box, forcing Arthur into action. The team receives intel from Commissioner James Gordon, leading them to Steppenwolf’s army in an abandoned facility under Gotham Harbor. Although the group rescues the kidnapped employees, the facility is flooded during combat, which traps the team until Arthur helps delay the flood so they can escape. Victor retrieves the last Mother Box, which he had hidden, for the group to analyze. He reveals that his father used the Mother Box to rebuild Stone’s body after a car accident, where his mother was killed, almost costing him his life. The group decides to use the Mother Box to resurrect Superman to help them fight off Steppenwolf’s invasion.

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