Beckett 2021 hollywood movie reviews

Beckett (John David Washington), an American tourist, leaves Athens, Greece with his girlfriend April (Alicia Vikander) to escape political unrest there. While driving to their hotel, Beckett falls asleep at the wheel and crashes their car into a nearby house.

As Beckett is trying to recover, he sees a red-headed child hurried out of the room by a woman. He gets out of the car and sees that his girlfriend has been killed by the accident. He later awakes in a hospital room with a broken arm. When he is later being interviewed by the police, he is told it is lucky the house was abandoned and empty. He tells an English-speaking, bearded police officer (Panos Koronis) that it was not empty and he saw a red-headed boy. After leaving the police station he goes back to the house his car crashed into with sleeping pills, with the intention of killing himself. As he is beginning to take the pills, a blonde woman outside the building starts shooting at him. After he hides in a bush, the same bearded police officer he told about the boy pulls up and calls to him, saying there has been a mistake and to come out. When he stands, the blonde-haired woman shoots him in the arm. He flees as both the woman and the officer shoot at him and give chase. He jumps off a cliff into a tree and escapes.

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