Churuli 2021 movies review

The movie begins with a prologue story of a priest, Thirumeni. Thirumeni goes to a forest to capture an entity, Perumadan, that misleads people when they get lost. To capture it, he searches everywhere until he comes across a beautiful and mysterious forest. But all the animals, trees and plants wink at the monk (Thirumeni) as if they know him. In his travels, he comes across a ball, which is an anteater (Eenampechi).

He puts it in his basket and carries it on his head to give to his children to play. After walking for a while, the anteater speaks, and the amused monk listens to it. After losing his way, the anteater offers to lead him on the correct path. He listens to the anteater and it is said that he is still wandering. He fails to realize that the anteater on his head is the real Perumadan/Madan (Entity).

Two policemen go undercover to a forest to arrest a man called Mayiladumparambil Joy, under the pretext of digging pits for rubber trees for Thankan, the owner. They are under false names, Shajivan and Anthony. The duo boards a jeep heading to their desintation, Churuli. They drive through difficult terrain while Anthony attempts small talk with the rest of the passengers. They cross a bridge with great difficulty, at which point the driver and passengers abruptly change their pleasant personalities to being rude towards the duo, shocking them.

After the silent jeep trip, the policemen reach a bar where all the people live under one roof, drinking and merry. While Anthony, the superior of the duo, is quick to adapt to their unusual environment and the people, Shajivan is greatly unsettled. He struggles to sleep, dreaming of strange lights in the sky and twins wearing unusual lights on their heads as they walk past him, accompanied by spirals. He wants to apprehend Joy as soon as possible so they can leave Churuli.

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