Cracked 2022 movies review

The horror-thriller movie unfolds bizarre stories taking place after a prominent painter commits suicide. Ruja inherited a collection of mysterious paintings from her father who was that painter. She hires Tim, a young art restorer, to repair the cracks on the surfaces of the paintings. Tim finds something mysterious under the cracks, and he may have unleashed a spirit or spirits within those paintings.

Ruja, who has been living abroad with her young daughter, Rachel, is in trouble, since the girl needs an operation in her eyes, and she cannot afford to have it. At her time of desperation, though, Vichai, an old friend and associate of her father, a world-renowned painter, arrives to let her know that he is dead and that she should return to Thailand to handle his estate. As soon as they arrive at the mansion, Vichai informs her that two paintings her father left are about to be bought by a multimillionaire, but need a bit of restoration before the selling, which a young man, Tim, is about to do.

Ruja wants to sell as fast as possible, with the same applying to the mansion, but soon finds herself seeing weird dreams, and in the midst of uncanny events, frequently involving her daughter. The sudden appearance of Tim saves the day, with Ruja finding a friend in his face, but the weird behavior of the caretaker of the house and the continuing strange events reveal that something is amiss. As Ruja starts to reminisce about the past, a number of twisted secrets come to the fore, all of which seem to revolve around the two portraits.

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