Hitman Agent 47 (2015) hollywood movie reviews

47 (Rupert Friend) is an “Agent”, a genetically enhanced supersoldier created by Dr. Petr Litvenko (Ciarán Hinds), a skilled Ukrainian geneticist. Litvenko, unable to bear the guilt of his creation, abandoned the Agent project. 47 works as a hitman for the ICA (International Contracts Agency) and has spent the last few years tracking down Litvenko’s daughter Katia; he gets a lead from mercenaries led by Delriego (Rolf Kanies), who have been trying to find Litvenko in order to recreate the Agent program for their own means.

Katia (Hannah Ware), living in Berlin under the assumed surname of Van Dees, has worked tirelessly to find an unknown man and is plagued by overwhelming anxiety and a superhuman awareness of everything around her. Katia is approached at a subway station by a man calling himself John Smith (Zachary Quinto). He tells her that 47 is on his way to kill her, and offers her protection, while hinting that he has information about the man she’s searching for. 47 finds and attacks the pair, who are able to escape, but not before 47 grazes Katia’s arm with a sniper bullet.

Smith and Katia hide out in a hotel room. He explains that he is an operative for a corporation known as Syndicate International and that the man she’s searching for is her father. Katia shows him the clues she has put together and asks John to tell her everything he knows about her father. Based on the languages he knows, his age, his love of orchids and medical condition (lung cancer), Katia deduces where her father must be living. Before she can tell Smith, 47 enters, killing Smith and capturing her.

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