A 2023 American supernatural horror film titled Insidious: The Red Door is directed by Patrick Wilson (making his feature film debut), with a screenplay by Scott Teems and a narrative by Leigh Whannell and Teems. It is the fifth entry in the Insidious franchise and a direct sequel to Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013). James Wan, the original director, and Jason Blum under his Blumhouse Productions label both serve as producers. In addition to Sinclair Daniel and Hiam Abbass joining the cast, the film stars Ty Simpkins, Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Andrew Astor, Steve Coulter, Joseph Bishara, Whannell, and Angus Sampson in characters they previously played.
Following the 2018 release of Insidious: The Last Key, Blumhouse decided to pursue opportunities to make additional movies in the series, including a crossover with the Sinister franchise. The company revealed in October 2020 that Wilson would star and direct the new movie, with Teems penning the script based on a story they had co-written. Filming began in August 2022 at the Morris County and Madison locales near New Jersey City on a $16 million production budget.
On July 7, 2023, Sony Pictures Releasing launched Insidious: The Red Door in theaters across the country. Although critics gave the movie a mixed bag of reviews, it was a box office hit, earning $174 million globally to become the series’ highest-grossing movie.