Kick 2014 movie reviews

Dr. Shaina Mehra is a psychiatrist living in Warsaw, Poland. Her father Brijesh brings a marriage proposal and asks her to meet police officer Himanshu Tyagi. The two meet in a train, where Shaina reveals she had an ex-boyfriend Devi Lal Singh, and talks about her crazy experiences with him.

Past: Devi is intelligent and adventurous always looking for a “kick” in his life. Shaina helps her friend, Vidhi elope with Devi’s friend, Vanchit. Devi gets them married in a temple, but also helps Vidhi’s mother reach the temple for “kick”. Shaina meets Devi’s family; the two date and fall in love. On her suggestion, Devi does a job in a chemical lab but resigns later suffering from lack of “kick”. Shaina scolds him, and Devi breaks up with her.

Himanshu shares his experiences with a thief he hates as he cannot stop him. The robber “Devil” targets the rich people associated with corrupt businessman Shiv Gajra, and robs them. Devil is actually Devi. As Himanshu fails in catching Devil, Devi contacts and refers to him as a partner and insults him by calling him a loser which is a clue that Devi gives Himanshu.

In Poland, Shaina spots Devi who is there for treatment after losing his memory in an accident. She offers to handle Devi’s case and take him home. In actuality, Devi is acting about his memory loss; real plan is to befriend and fool Himanshu and rob Shiv, who will come to Poland. Devi enters a charity function and robs Shiv, but Himanshu and Shaina discover Devi’s truth and he escapes.

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