Lady of Csejte 2015 hollywood movies review

For October’s Halloween season, I like to indulge my gothic side with some historical horror, and one of my favorite topics is Countess Elizabeth Báthory, much trumpeted as history’s first female serial killer. The best and probably most accurate movie about her is The Countess (2009), but there’s a shitton of schlocky ones, like The Blood Queen (2015), aka The Lady of Csejte. It doesn’t deserve an in-depth review, but it’s fun for some snarky screencaps, so let’s run down five random things about this freak fest!

The young girl and boy who are the main characters speak in posh British tones. Most everyone else has a smorgasbord of thick Eastern-European accents — Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Austrian, German, you name it.

Then there are the two “Hungarian nobles” that are kinda-sorta investigating the missing 600 some-odd girls, and their accents slip back and forth between English and fake-Hungarian.

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