Shark Season 2020 hollywood movies review

Shark Season is a 2020 American action horror film about a great white shark that relentlessly stalks three kayakers out on a remote island. As they wait for help to arrive, the tide starts to rise, forcing them back into the deadly waters. Now the race is on as the shark threatens to pick them off on the way back to the mainland… Also known as Deep Blue Nightmare and Shark Attack

Directed by Jared Cohn (Tubi Original Swim; Fast and Fierce: Death Race; Alien Predator; Halloween Pussy Trap Kill! Kill!; Devil’s Domain; Hold Your Breath) from a screenplay written by Mark Atkins (6-Headed Shark Attack; Empire of the Sharks; Planet of the Sharks; Sand Sharks; et al) based on a story by Andrea Ruth (Megalodon Rising).

Google Drive – Gdtot








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